Microsoft Teams to Replace Skype for Business
UPDATE: As of Oct. 1, 2018, Microsoft has announced that Skype for Business online will no longer be included in Office 365 for new customers with fewer than 500 seats.
Skype for Business has long been a popular tool in the corporate world, allowing employees from offices around the world to connect with one another, share ideas and collaborate across borders.
This powerful tool has made it possible for remote and inter-office workers to experience the benefit of in-person meetings without the hassle, time, and expense of travel.
What you might not know, is that Microsoft has been working diligently on Microsoft Teams – a superior replacement for Skype for Business, building on the success of this program and paving the way to an even more connected future.

The Roots of Skype for Business
Skype for Business first made its debut in April of 2015, ancient history by technological standards. When Skype for Business first premiered, it was greeted with enthusiasm, with businesses of all sizes integrating it into their everyday toolset.
From its earliest days, Skype for Business included a number of tools, such as instant messenger, audio and video capabilities. These features allowed businesses worldwide to communicate in new and different ways, making the lives of their employees easier and saving money in the process.
The Power of Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is now predicted to take the world of business communication to a whole new level. Like Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams includes a number of powerful features, but unlike the earlier versions of the product, Microsoft Teams is designed to be even more useful and business-friendly.
This powerful solution uses the power of the cloud, building on other cloud-based products and services. In addition to the cloud-based approach, Microsoft Teams also includes a user friendly chat app, one that combines the capabilities of Office 365 and Slack, creating a single platform that fosters creativity and collaboration like never before.
This makes Microsoft Teams a big improvement on the existing Skype for Business. As a result, many businesses are already making the switch!
Like Slack, Teams allows users to enjoy a threaded view of both group and private conversations, making it easier to keep track of who is doing what.
This Microsoft Teams overview shows you how this powerful tool was designed to shorten the learning curve, making the product easier to learn for people of all different skill sets.
Easier File Sharing, Better Collaboration, Shorter Learning Process
With Microsoft Teams, corporate users can securely share files, chat with others, and contribute to various project boards thanks to advanced security features and a host of other compelling benefits. These collaborative features are specifically designed to make project management easier.
Microsoft Teams Release Date
The new Microsoft Teams product has some compelling benefits that businesses everywhere are sure to appreciate. And while the road from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams might seem overwhelming, the value of the product is well worth the effort to upgrade.
At Ontech Systems, we recommend making the switch sooner rather than later – before support for Skype for Business is discontinued.
If you currently rely on Skype for Business as a collaboration and management tool, contact Ontech Systems today at 262- 522-8560 and we’ll help you understand how the new Microsoft Teams can be even more powerful and useful to your unique set of business needs.
And while Skype for Business will likely not be discontinued until 2019, the sooner you make the change, the sooner you’ll experience the powerful benefits of Microsoft Teams.
Ontech Systems is ready to assist with your transition from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams. Just give us a call today at 262- 522-8560 or email our Microsoft Teams experts. We’ll help make the transition to Microsoft Teams an easy and successful experience.